
Monday, March 4, 2019

Psychology Case Write Up Essay

1. What traits are prominent in these cases? trope two or three from the Big Five and give examples from distri scarcelyively persons behavior, emotional reactions or thought processes as grounds. Shirley Shirley seems to non be open to new experiences. At age 57 she has put herself back into psychotherapy. The childhood with a drunken and possible deject mother seem to play part in the way she raised her children.Where now she only has active contact with one of her daughters and struggles to accept the item that the other daughter is gay and the son is living in a halfway house. She married an abusive husband which correlates to the men her mother employ to date who used to abuse Shirley. Death seems to be a around-the-clock cycle of experiences for Shirley. Her mother died indeed her first-year husband, second husband and then her child. She seems to be continuously living the same life over and over and nothing new really happening.An event that does interfere with op enness is the incident that she did become a lay minister open to helping others. impertinent because she is able to admit she potentially could be an alcoholic exactly refers to it as a problem. So I would assume she wants something new scarcely the conflict starts when she exhibits the same behaviors over and over. Shirley seems to be an extrovert. Although she struggles with depression she still shows signs of wanting to be around people and give way some interaction. She decided to go back to psychotherapy which involves group interaction or one-on-one meetings. on that point is still the effort of keeping in touch with one daughter.It seems Shirley didnt like being alone hence the think she re-married after her first husband died and joined the lay ministry when her second husband died. possibly the soil for connecting with people is a way for her to not worry about herself as much. For example she plant for the state and is a lay minister but states herself as menta lly ill, but that she may also have a drinking problem. Greg Greg seems to be conscientious in some areas and not so much in others.He graduated college with his masters but has a hard time completing his work on the job. Perhaps the reason he struggles with communicating to the childrens parents could be a reason why he isnt close to his colleagues lack of assertiveness. He has never developed a relationship with his father and isnt completely practiced with his mother in regards to his sexuality. He seems to be a great achiever within himself but dealing or doing things for something else is where he struggles. For example has tussle being assertive and setting limits both with clients and colleagues but he works out at the gym and is quite muscular. Greg seems to be an extrovert. He enjoys singing in the

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